Monday, January 08, 2007
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Saturday Photo Scavenger Hunt

If you're here on the Saturday Photo Scavenger Hunt, please come visit me at my new location on Squarespace: Hiraeth
Sunday, December 31, 2006
A New Years Eve Prayer
An Evening Prayer
WE THANK THEE, O Lord, for the work of each year, and for the rest of each night. We will lay us down both in peace and sleep, for Thou, Lord, only, make us to dwell in safety. Keep watch around us throughout this coming year, to protect us against the assaults of the evil one, to suggest to us holy thoughts, to defend us from all dangers, to lead us in the perfect way of peace, and to prepare us for the happy service of a new year. For Jesus' sake.Amen.
I am very thankful for each and every person who has visited Hiraeth in the past year. So many of you have extending kindness and friendship and encouragement to me. I have made some dear friends in the past year, both here on the blog and in real life. God has truly blessed me in so many ways. I truly pray that He would, as the prayer says, "Keep watch around us throughout this coming year, to protect us against the assaults of the evil one, to suggest to us holy thoughts, to defend us from all dangers, to lead us in the perfect way of peace, and to prepare us for the happy service of a new year." And I pray that, more and more, God would teach me, and you!, to desire Him above all things and learn, more and more, to honor Him and bring Him glory.
Happy New Year!
God's Minute

New Year's Eve
And another said: I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I go to prove them; I pray thee have me excused.--Luke 14:19
FATHER in Heaven, let not our material blessings confound our mind and fill us with a false sense of security, nor suffer us to be enamored by the dazzling prospects of temporal gain and carnal joy. Let us be mindful that the world's chalice of sweet wine is inevitably converted into a cup of bitterness, and that the joy of today becomes the remorse of tomorrow. Thou canst not be denied, O God! All things are Thine, and man is accountable to Thee. Grant that we may be faithful stewards of Thy possessions, and that the things of this world may never take precedence in our life over the glorious riches which Thou hast prepared for Thine own from the foundations of the world. If there is any hardness of heart among us, we beseech Thee for the touch of Thy Spirit, that our hearts may yield to Thee in obedience, reverence, and confidence. Thou, whose grace is sufficient unto Thine own, suffer none of Thy children for any cause to depart from the faith this day, but strengthen them, that their faith in Thy goodness and the merits of Christ's redemptive love may remain beautiful and strong. Make us strong according to the inward man, strong in our Christian convictions, strong in faith, strong in our advocacy of righteousness and truth, and strong in our loyalty to Thee. Above all, keep us from dishonoring Thee by any secret or open sin. Through Christ, our Redeemer.
Rev. J.P. Meyer,
St. Louis, Missouri
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Quote of the Week
And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year: Give me a light, that I may tread safely into the unknown. And he replied: Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God. That shall be to you better than light, and safer than a known way.
- Minnie L. Haskins
God's Minute
O GOD, our Father, we are about to enter upon a new day. To meet well all duties and responsibilities that come to us; to resist firmly every distraction and temptation that seeks to draw us from our path; to be utterly prepared for any danger or any crisis that may this day befall us; to be found, when the evening is come, pure and holy--this is our desire.
And we would be friendly with all men; strength to the weak, hope to the despondent, joy to the sorrowing, power to the tempted.
We wait, therefore, our Father, for the coming of Thy Spirit upon us ere we venture into all that this day holds for us. In the quiet of this early morning hour, bowed before Thee, our souls wait. Touch us with that hand which has been laid in blessing upon others before us; speak to us with that still, small voice of power; fill us with Thine own righteousness.
Give us of Thyself, that we may this day so live for ourselves and before men that through us Thy Kingdom may in part come, and Thy will more fully be done among men. For Jesus' sake.
Rev. Seeley K. Tompkins,
Cincinnati, Ohio
Friday, December 29, 2006
God's Minute
December 29
For the love of Christ constraineth us.--2 Corinthians 5:14
OUR Father in Heaven, we are Thy children, redeemed by Christ our Saviour and Elder Brother, and we come to Thee in His name. Forgive our sins. Deliver us from all the guilt and power of sin, and from its consequences. Take the love of it out of our hearts. Make our love of Thee to glow. Let it burn out all the dross of evil, and impel us constantly to gracious acts of kindly ministry done to others in the Master's name and for His sake. Give us a clear vision of our ever-present Saviour as an abiding Friend. Grant that we may be trasformed by thus beholding Him, growing daily more and more like Him in the desires of our hearts, the words of our lips, and the things we do and refrain from doing.
Bless with us all others, supplying their every need, and giving them grace and guidance. Make the Gospel light shine out brightly in all lands, bringing peace and spiritual prosperity, and drawing all men to Christ, and together in the bonds of Christian unity and brotherliness. We ask all this, as we pray for grateful hearts, in the name of Him Who died on Calvary.
J.H. Bomberger, D.D.,
Cleveland, Ohio
Thursday, December 28, 2006
God's Minute

Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father, in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ.--Ephesians 5:20
But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord, Jesus Christ.--1 Corinthians 15:57
OUR Heavenly Father, for all Thou hast given and all Thou hast forgiven, we thank Thee. For every gift of nature, and Thy favoring providences, and Thy great salvation through Christ, we thank Thee.
For blessings within us and around us; for everything by which Thou hast brought good and drawn us to Thyself through all our lives and the lives of our kin; for our power of understanding, of loving, of homemaking, of sharing friendships; for the good hope concerning loved ones who have gone from the ways of earth, and for our own expectation of sharing heaven's joy with them through Christ's saving merit--we thank Thee.
Help us, O Father, to live and work with the cheer of a grateful spirit, overcoming all trouble by the patience of hope and the wisdom of love. So may we share the fellowship of all who follow Christ, both near about us and in all the world.
Rev. William Allen Knight, LL.D.
Boston, Massachusetts
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Moving Day

I hope you'll like it there. You can find Vizslocity and my reading blog, Hiraeth Warehouse right there in the side bar, too. If you want to subscribe to them as separate blogs, you can do that from their front pages. I hope that you, my regular readers, will follow me over there and change your subscriptions. Also, when you next update your blog rolls, would you mind changing my link in your sidebars? Thanks.
I'll continue to update this blog through New Years Eve and I'll be keeping it what's here available, but I won't be updating it anymore starting New Years Day.
I want to thank each and every one of you who has taken time everyday to come and read my blog. I'm especially thankful for those of you who have become my dear friends. You know who you are!
I have some new things planned for next year! I'll tell you more about that after the first of the year!
Too funny
Angels? I think not.
Well, sometimes.

God's Minute
O LORD, Thou Whose eye seest everything, even into the secrets of our hearts, and with Whom is all wisdom and power, be not silent to our petition. In our suffering let us observe Thy presence, and, out of pain, teach us submission.
We cannot always understand what Thou art doing with us, but O Thou Watcher of men, make our souls to know that Thou art always just and good, ever long-suffering in Thy mercy. Give us Thy strength to bear the burden.
Teach us that if we would be most serviceable to Thee, we must be marred and hurt and made to bleed. The we shall come forth as gold tried in the furnace, and Thy righteousness shall be our robe, and Thy glory our diadem.
Peter Ainslie, D.D.,
Baltimore, Maryland
Dear friends and readers:
This prayers seems providential this morning. I just read an email from a friend, telling me of her husband's trip to the emergency room last night and the pain that he is suffering. Our family has two dear friends who are suffering in great pain this day. Dan is still going through the process of diagnosing the cause of his severe jaw pain. Our other friend, Jeff's condition is chronic (arachnoiditis) and he lives with pain day in and day out without much hope of relief or change. Would you take a moment and pray for these two men? Thanks.