Friday, April 14, 2006

God's Minute

The just shall live by faith.--Hebrews 2:4

GRACIOUS and most merciful Father, we come to Thee in His beloved Name Who loved us and gave Himself for us. We thank Thee that Thou didst guard our home and keep us in safety while we slept. We thank Thee for the promises of Thy Word, and for the assurance of their fulfilment to all who trust and obey Thee. We thank Thee for all the blessings of opportunity and service which have come to us with the morning. Help us to be faithful to Thy Word in all duty and opportunity, and to be kind to all in word and service. In every task or trial, may Thy presence attend us. Make obedience to Thy will our joy. Help us in all things to follow the example of our Lord, and thus to become like Him. Help us to be kind to the poor, and to all in need. Give comfort and healing to the sick, to the tired and lonely everywhere, and help them to look to Him whence cometh help. Come to the sinful in gracious compassion, and bless every effort to win them to Thyself. Remember our pastor, and all who preach the Gospel in our own and in heathen lands. Put away the hurt of the sinful and the erring everywhere, and hasten the coming and triumph of our Lord. And to Thy Name, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, be all the praise.


M. Rhodes, D.D.,
St. Louis, Missouri

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