Wednesday, July 05, 2006

God's Minute

July Fifth

"And as thy days so shall thy strength be."--Deuteronomy 33:25

OUR Gracious Heavenly Father, for the light of another day we thank Thee, for Thy watch care over us during the past night, when unconscious and helpless, we sought rest for our weary bodies. Thou hast granted to us another day wherein to honor and glorify Thy Holy Name. May it be lived for Thee. May all the words spoken to one another and all the meditation of our hearts be acceptable in Thy sight. Strengthen us with might by Thy Spirit in our inmost being that we shall be fortified against every temptation. Reveal to us more and more the unspeakable privilege of continuous fellowship with Thee. Shed abroad in our hearts that love, so unnatural to us but of Thyself, which shall enable us to love the unlovely, and the unloved, those who may slight or insult us, and those who may despise and hate us. Fill our hearts with peace through the clear consciousness of sins forgiven, with joy unspeakable that our names are written in Heaven, and with hope not only for the resurrection which awaits us but for Thy speedy appearing. May our witness be so clear and unmistakable that some soul ere this day is over shall be led to acquaintance with Thee our adorable Lord and Saviour.


Rev. Henry W. Stough, D.D.,
Wheaton, Illinois

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