Monday, August 14, 2006

A Godly Man is a Lover of the Word: Part Seven

A Godly Man is a Lover of the Word

by Thomas Watson

"O how love I your law." (Psa. 119:97)

Part A: Godly Man Loves the Word Written

3. d By hiding it: "Your word I have hidden in my heart" (Psa 119:11) - as one hides a treasure so that it should not be stolen. The Word is the jewel; the heart is the cabinet where it must be locked up. Many hide the Word in their memory, but not in their heart. And why would David enclose the Word in his heart? "That I might not sin against you." As a man would carry an antidote about him when he comes near an infected place, so a godly man carries the Word in his heart as a spiritual antidote to preserve him from the infection of sin. Why have so many been poisoned with error, others with moral vice, but because they have not hidden the Word as a holy antidote in their heart?

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