Monday, September 04, 2006

Home Again, Home Again

Illustration by Blanche Fisher Wright
Jiggity, Jig.

I didn't really go to market to find a fat pig; we've just returned from vacation to the North Woods of Wisconsin and I am thankful to say that even though we enjoyed many good meals and lazed around the lake reading and talking and doing very little else, I only gained 1 pound, so even though it felt like I might, I didn't end up bringing home a "pig."

It was a wonderful nine days. We did manage to do a little shopping and antiquing, but most of the time was spent at the cabin and down at the lake. No tv, no cell phones, no internet. Just peace and quiet and the sounds of nature and the occasional fishing boat on the lake.

Pictures will be forthcoming as soon as we download them from Tom's laptop.

Until then, I would like to thank my dear friend, Kim, from the Upward Call for faithfully posting each day's God's Minute prayers for me while I was gone. Tom and I were talking as we sat by the lake, relaxing, about how wonderful it is to be a Christian--to be able to, by our common faith in Christ, know the heart and character of friends we have not yet met in this life and to not only be able to trust them implicitly but to even ask them for favors! Thank you, Kim!

It blessed me this morning to read this comment from my friend, April, left after reading one of the morning prayers:
"Just thought I'd let you know, God has provided to me by way of the internet a spiritual pillar."
It blesses me to know that the prayers of these men, who have all died by now, continue to uplift and encourage us even today!

The body of Christ is a mysterious thing; how kind and wise was God's plan to unite us to Christ and to each other throughout the ages of the church in unity through our faith in Christ! From the words of men long dead to the kindness of a friend, I am encouraged again this morning.
1 Peter 2: 4 As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious, 5 you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
I am thankful for the "living stones" in my life, but most especially I am thankful for the Cornerstone, Christ, Who unites us together in Him, bringing many sons to glory. He calls us His brothers and makes us brothers and sisters in Christ!

What a wonderful thought for this last day of summer vacation.

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