Sunday, October 01, 2006

God's Minute

October First

The Lord is my Light and my salvation.--Psalm 27:1

OUR HEAVENLY Father, we of this household, with varied needs, unite to rever Thy Name. We would glorify Thee in our ordinary life. We Thank Thee for the quiet shining of the light upon the world, and for the quiet shining of Thy light in the souls of men. Light us on our path, lest we lose the way. We would make league with Thee for the Master's presence. May Jesus be guest and chiefest friend at our fireside, the listener to every conversation, counsellor in every day of doubt, light in every hour of darkness, refuge in any time of storm, solace in the night of grief. Bless us in basket and in store. Make us rich in all the things of the Kingdom of God.

Give us all the gladness Thy love and wisdom can trust us with, and only enough of trial and of storm to make us pure. When our feet shall have grown tired upon the road of the years, and death shall scatter the mist upon our faces, and we grope with blind fingers for the latch of the gate of Thy house, may He guide us with the unfailing cunning of His love, and give abundant entrance into the graveless, deathless, nightless city which is Thy home and ours.

Forgive us our trespasses. And this we pray for all who name Thy Name. For Christ's sake.


Rev. Lincoln A. Ferris
Baltimore, Maryland

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