Friday, November 10, 2006

Giving Thanks in November

  • November 10 I am thankful for my Kitchen-Aid stand mixer. It makes nice, stiff meringue peaks effortlessly.
  • November 9 I am so thankful that my mother's foot surgery is over and that there were no complications and everything went just as planned this morning. I'm thankful that she's home, resting comfortably, and that my sister can be with her.
  • November 8 Today I am thankful for two things. First, for the new patch of sunshine streaming through my window and illuminating a new spot in the afternoon, made possible by the now leafless tree outside the window and second, that the dust that it is illuminating is above eye-level.

  • November 7 It's election day in America and I am thankful to live in a country where I can vote! I am thankful that it is God who raises up leaders and places them in positions of authority and that, even when I don't understand or agree with the decisions that are being made, I can gain comfort in knowing that He is ordering all things according to the good pleasure of His will, to the praise of His glory.

I am God, and there is no other;
I am God, and there is none like me,
declaring the end from the beginning
and from ancient times things not yet done,
saying, 'My counsel shall stand,
and I will accomplish all my purpose,'
Isaiah 46:9-10

  • November 6 Today is Jacob's birthday. He's twenty-two years old today. Every year on his birthday I remember the tramatic events of his birth with thanksgiving for God's faithfulness and nearness during that time. As with all my children's birthdays, I remember all the stages of his life. Here's a picture taken when he was two and John was five. The boys used to love running through the sprinkler. I can remember how they would giggle!
Jake and John
Then our mouth was filled with laughter,
and our tongue with shouts of joy;
then they said among the nations,
"The LORD has done great things for them."
The LORD has done great things for us;
we are glad.
Psalm 126:2-3
  • November 5 It's Sunday and this morning I am thankful, again, for my church. I am looking forward to seeing my students in Sunday School. I am thankful for the two new students who have been coming regularly. I am thankful for my Pastor. I'm looking forward to this morning's sermon and to all the hymns of the faith that we will sing together. I am always thankful for the fellowship I enjoy on Sunday mornings with friends and visitors, but today I am most thankful for the fellowship I will enjoy as I celebrate the Lord's Supper in communion with God and the church.
  • November 4 I'm excited and thankful this morning! I'm going to have breakfast with my dear, dear friend, Ann Marie. I haven't seen her since John and Beth's wedding in May. I am so thankful for friends who have remained close through all our various moves over the years. I'm thankful, too, for those who may not be as close as they once were, but who have made an eternal impact on my life.
  • November 3 Today I'm thankful that it's Friday. Most days are about the same around our house. Up around 6 or before, homeschool and housework until about 3 or 3:30, then supper preparation. Tom comes home at 5:30 and dinner is ready to set on the table. But Fridays are different. Most Fridays Tom comes home around 5 and dinner is somewhat later. Sometimes I don't even have it started. We kind of ease into the evening with a glass of wine and some winding down time together. Friday dinners are usually simple. Frequently we have leftovers or something I made ahead and put in the freezer. On Fridays we're tired after a busy week and ready to relax. I'm thankful for the end of the week and for slowly easing into the weekend on Friday nights.
  • November 2 I am thankful that Christ has conquered sin and death. Today I meet with my ladies' small group discussion. We're almost ready to wrap up our study in Sinclair Ferguson's A Christian Life. Today's lesson is on death. I am thankful that, as Ferguson says: "Death, when its sting is drawn and its powerful fears are rendered harmless, is but the means ofour awakening on the morning of a new day in the presence of God."
  • November 1 I am thankful for Rebecca. Rebecca is one of my longest standing internet friends. We met at a discussion group on Crosswalk many years ago and over the years I have learned so much from her! Her patient, thoughtful interactions with others have always been a great example to me. Years ago, she was one of the people who patiently answered my questions about theology and challenged me to study deeply. Hers was the first blog I ever read and it was only after a few weeks of reading it that I made the connection that she was indeed, the same friend I had known on Crosswalk. I'm thankful for the positive impact she has had in my life and am grateful for her ongoing friendship.
I'm taking up Rebecca on her invitation to give thanks each day in November. Won't you join me?

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