Thursday, April 20, 2006

God's Minute

He hath set His love upon me.--Psalm 91:14

THOU God of our fathers--our Father which art in Heaven, Thou art good to all, and Thy tender mercies are over all Thy works. We thank Thee for the night and for the day; for quietness and rest and sleep, for life and light and love. We confess that we sin against Thee even in our lying down and rising up. We shield ourselves in Thy Fatherhood, and believe that for Christ's sake Thou dost forgive our sins. We commit ourselves to Thy covenant keeping for this day. Give Thine angels charge over us, and keep each one of us from harm. Guide us with Thine eye. Preserve our going out and our coming in. Keep us in health and safety in body and soul. Help us to live together in peace and love. Give us rule over our own spirits, that we hear and do Thy holy will. May our Elder Brother walk with us all the way, and by His presence help and comfort us.

Bless our friends and neighbors, and all who we love, especially those who may be sick or in any trouble. Comfort and speedily relieve them. Be with the great mulitutde that go out this morning to toil and weariness, and give them good cheer and rest, and the salvation that is of Thee. For Christ's sake.


Wallace Radcliffe, D.D., LL.D.,
Washington, D.C.

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