Wednesday, July 26, 2006

God's Minute

July Twenty-sixth

Thou wast a God that forgavest them.--Psalm 99:8

FATHER, Thou forgivest us, so far as we are truly penitent. May we likewise forgive all who sin against us; and all who sin against society; all who sin against Thee; even as Thou forgivest us and them. May we count no sin to heinous to pardon; no man too hardened to reclaim; no woman too fallen to uplift. When we forgive the penitent, help us to stand by him against a hard and unforgiving world. Thus may we make our forgiveness a reality in the world, and open the door of genuine social restoration to those who have gone astray. (The sinner, the hardened, the fallen need Christ and His Gospel, not social restoration)

Help us to find our chief delight in work, (Thee) wherein we join our hands, our brains, our hearts, to Thy power, Thy laws, Thy love. May we choose that task which most (pleases Thee) taxes our highest powers, and best serve the world's deepest need (with Your help and according to Your purpose set forth in Christ) . May we do it with such skill, such joy, thoroughness, that it shall have about it the strength of mountains, the freedom of the streams, the gladness of the sunshine, the fertility of the fields, the beauty of the stars and flowers. Thus may we become not mere creatures, but creators; not one of Thy works, but Thy co-workers. (Thus may we serve and honor You and bring glory to Your Holy Name. We ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord.)


William De Witt Hyde, D. D., LL.D.,
Brunswick, Maine

[I'm not sure about the ethics of changing a person's prayer, but I could not let this prayer stand without adding my own prayer to it. I don't always feel comfortable with the theology behind some of the prayers, but this one really bothered me. I think it is the most man centered that we will encounter in this year of prayers.]

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