Tuesday, October 10, 2006

God's Minute

October Tenth

My mouth shall show forth Thy praise.--Psalm 51:15

ALMIGHTY and most merciful God, we gratefully acknowledge Thee as the ruler of our lives. Thou are Infinite God; we are creatures of the earth. Yet Thou has exalted us to be Thy children. Thou hast endowed us with reason and will, and hast given us a nature that seeks after Thee. Thou has placed us in this beautiful world and lavished its bounties upon us, and Thou hast made provision for the pure enjoyment of every sense. Thou hast set us in families amidst neighbors, and has endowed us with love.

Above all, because we have fallen into sin, Thou hast manifested redeeming love by the sacrifice of our Saviour upon the cross. We humbly confess our personal sinfulness and failure to render a full measure of service to Thee and to our fellow men. In mercy grant Thy forgiveness, and enable us to live more nobly.

Look with compassion upon all men. Awaken true repentance and desire for salvation in every breast, both in heathen lands and at home.

Widen Thy Kingdom, and manifest Thy power in the earth. Bring all rulers and peoples under Thy sway, and soon, O Lord, soon manifest Thyself in Thine eternal glory. Through Jesus Christ our Lord.


L. Stanley Hughson, B.A., D.D.,
Stratford, Ontario, Canada

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