God's Minute
Ye shall see Me, and find Me, when ye shall search for Me with all your heart.--Jeremiah 29:13
O THOU, with Whom to dwell is the light of life and from Whom to depart is the shadow of death, grant us the joy of Thine abiding presence this day, that in us there may be no darkness at all. We are not children of the darkness, O Father, but our paths this day may lead us into the midst of human sorrow and strife and sin. May we walk as befits the children of the Light!
Give us, we pray Thee, open and alert minds to discover Thy will, and a holy purpose both to love and to do it. Help us to be true in the midst of all that is false, pure where evil most abounds, friendly to the friendless, and bearers of our brothers' burdens for our Saviour's sake. Take away, we pray Thee, all the guilt of our sin, and give us the joy of the victorious life through our divine Redeemer.
At the close of this day bring us, with spirits untroubled and unashamed, to our own firesides, where, by Thy grace, we may find rest, and the peace that passeth all understanding.
All of this we ask for the sake of Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Saviour.
William Hiram Foulkes, D.D., LL.D.,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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