Thursday, March 02, 2006

God's Minute 3/2

Make the voice of His praise to be heard.--Psalm 66:8

OUR FATHER, we thank Thee for the day which is before us. Its light awoke us with gladness; and its evening shadow will beckon us to rest. It is the emblem of Thy gift of life to us. For life is made up of joy and sorrow, like clouds with the sun shining through, and of toils and responsibilites, and hopes like the morning, and memories glorifying all the rays of the sunset. Help us to be grateful and worthy of Thy gift. O Lord, we are thankful above all for this household of ours.Through its ministry we better understand Thee. What we are to our little ones Thou art to us; and what our children are to us, we are to Thee. When we think of it, love sweeps over us like the summer, and we know the joy of Thy favor, and feel the security of Thy care. In parenthood Thou dost come close to us, and in childhood we draw close to Thee. Bless Thou our children and all our loved ones, and make each one of us worthy of love and confidence human and divine. We are sorry for the harsh word and the unkind act. Even as we are sorry for our own faults, we forgive one another. Do Thou forgive us each one, O Father, for every indifference and sin against Thee. Guard us and keep us today. Amen.

N. McGee Waters, D.D.,
Brooklyn, New York