Sunday, May 21, 2006

God's Minute

May 21

Lord increase our faith.--Luke 17:5

OUR FATHER in Heaven, it is fitting that we acknowledge Thee every day; Thou dost not forget us. Teach us to set Thee before our eyes continually.

Our reasons for thanksgiving are new every morning; give us grateful hearts. Keep us from sin; cleanse us from its pollution; save us from its guilt. Grant us true repentence for our sins; help us to overcome evil with good.

Give us eyes to see, and ears to hear, and hearts to understand. May we value our time, see our opportunities, and hear and understand Thy voice. Help us to love Thee supremely, and our neighbors as ourselves.

Give us our daily bread, and something for those who lack. Keep our eyes lifted up to the white fields and to the Lord of the Harvest, Who is able to send the needed laborers. Grant to us some share in the labor and some sheave to bring with rejoicing.

Hasten the coming of Thy Kingdom, and the doing of Thy will among men. May our days end in peace, and may the House of the Lord be our dwelling place forevermore.


Rev. Thomas M. Huston,
Witinsville, Massachusetts

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