Wednesday, May 17, 2006

God's Minute

May 17

Your sins are forgiven you for His Name's sake.--1 John 2:12

ALMIGHTY GOD, Our Heavenly Father, as we begin the life of another day we would humbly and sincerely seek Thee as our guide, our protector, and merciful Saviour. All our strength comes from Thee; in Thy wisdom we find light and truth; in Thy presence joy and comfort. We know not what snares may be laid for our feet, what sudden trials we may have to meet, or what burdens we may have to bear during the coming day. Make us wise to see where temptation lies; make us strong to resist. May we be brave and patient under trial; unselfish and cheerful in burden bearing. Give us consciences tender and quick to recognize sin; breathe into our hearts the spirit of fervent prayer and perfect trust. Enable us to consider the needs of each other. By helpful word and deed may we make it easier for some one to be strong and faithful. May this day not pass until we have done some good in the Master's Name to such as have need. Grant, our Father, the forgiveness of all our sins, and enable us to forgive one another as Christ commanded us. We pray for a holier life through Jesus Christ, Who gave Himself that we, through Him, might become children of God. Grant these, and all other blessings that Thou seest we need, to the glory of Thy most Holy Name, through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Frank N. Parker, D.D.,
Atlanta, Georgia

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