Saturday, June 17, 2006

God's Minute

June Seventeenth

I prayed unto the Lord, my God, and made my confessions.--Daniel 9:4

EVERLIVING, everloving God, our Heavenly Father, we bless and praise Thee, that Thou didst set the human race in families for its higher development and its greater influence. This morning we bless Thy holy name that we have been called into this family now before Thee in prayer.

May we gratefully recognize our duty and our responsibility to Thee, and to one another, and to this community.

Keep us this day from sin, as we do the tasks of the day. Watch Thou over us and guard us from danger. Teach us how to live unselfishly, each for the other, in all the little things of the home.

May we, as father and mother, as brothers and sisters, fulfill our tasks to each and to all, with the blessed example of our Elder Brother always before our minds.

Prosper the work of each one of us, and the labors and business of all our neighbors. Grant, above all, to our family the real and abiding prosperity of a rich and helpful faith in our Lord and Master, to Whom be praise, and glory, now and forever.


L. B. Wolf, D.D.,
Baltimore, Maryland

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