Thursday, September 14, 2006

God's Minute

September 14

I have a stewardship entrusted to me.--1 Corinthians 9:17

OUR Father, who art in heaven. We are come together at the day's beginning to give Thee thanks for refreshing sleep, for release from care, and for the quiet rest of the night just passed. We wait before Thee as Thy stewards to learn Thy will for us this day. Give us understanding minds that shall find opportunities for service; loving hearts that shall rejoice in being brother to all who are in need; and unselfish spirits that shall find their deepest joy in sharing our blessings with others. Help us so to live this day that at its close we can come again to Thee and give an account of our stewardship of time, of talents, and of possessions that shall win from Thee those gracious words that were spoken long ago to the faithful steward: "Well done . . . enter thou into the joy of the Lord." Hear our prayer we beseech Thee and send us out into the day with Thy blessing for we ask it in Jesus' name.


Rev. Gilbert N. Brink, D.D.,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

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