God's Minute
Its good to sing praises unto our God.--Psalm 147:1
OUR Father, for such Thou hast taught us to call Thee, we thank Thee that we may be brought into Thy family through living, loving, faith in Jesus Christ, Thy Son and our Elder Brother. And we thank Thee for all that may mean to us. We thank Thee for a Father's love. Keep us ever, we pray Thee, within the circle of that love. We thank Thee for the oversight and protection that Thou dost give us day by day. As we go out from the home, go Thou with us, and when we return at eventide may we bring Thee with us, to be with us in the breaking of bread and through all the hours of darkness, until morning break and the shadows flee away. Draw all members of the family circle into real fellowship with Thy Son, that we may be cleansed from all sin, and may be kept by His power from falling, and may be presented at last faultless before Thy presence with exceeding great joy. Make us to be more tender and thoughtful of one another, and of all our companions. Forgive all display of temper and hasty speech, give us the love that suffereth long and is kind. Bless with us all the needy and distressed. Bless all mankind. Redeem the world lying in sin, and hasten the coming of Thy Kingdom, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Ernest Thompson, D.D.,
Charleston, West Virginia
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