Tuesday, May 16, 2006

God's Minute

May 16

Believe in the Lord your God.--2 Chronicles 20:20

OUR HEAVENLY FATHER, a new day opens before us--grant that we may enter its portals with gratitude for every mercy of the past, and with a melody of praise in our hearts. WE are deeply conscious of our sin, and are unworthy of Thy loving kindness. We realize our dependence upon Thee, and we beg Thee for Thy presence with us during the coming day. Forbd that we should shirk any duty, or murmur at any trial. Keep us sweet and hopeful; make us kind in word and thought; and save us from"the rashness of unguarded moments."

We pray for those whom we love, and for all who do not love us. We pray for the stranger, the poor, the sick, the lonely, the sorrowing, and the wayward. Grant Thy presence to all who labor in Thy Name the world over, and send forth more workings into the vineyard. For our own home circle we pray, and for that larger circle of the world. Bless little children everywhere, and the helpless aged. Let wars cease upon the earth, and the Prince of Peace rule in all lands. Make us unselfish in our dealing with each one, and help us so to serve Thee this day, that at its close we may go to our rest conscious of Thy presence and Thy approvall; we ask in our Saviour's name.


Rev. George McDaniel
Richmond, Virginia

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