Thursday, October 12, 2006

God's Minute

October 12

1 Timothy 6:12

Fight the good fight of faith.

We thank Thee, our Heavenly Father, for the care, the rest and refreshment vouchsafed unto us during another night. We thank Thee for the privilege of being able to present ourselves again before Thee, for the life and work of this new day. We recognize that the highest, as well as the holiest, ideal of life is the doing of Thy will and the accomplishment of Thy purposes concerning us. We recognize also, that even as Thou hast said, the way of man is not in himself, that it is not in man that walketh, to be able always and everywhere to direct his steps aright, and so we look to Thee for the strength and wisdom and grace necessary to discharge faithfully and earnestly the responsibilities and duties of the day. Make us deeply sensitive to Thy presence, and to the other privileges and blessings of the day, so that they shall not pass from us unappreciated and unused.

Grant unto us the spirit of patience, of sympathy and of willingness to help any who may not be as highly favored as we are. Remember those in weakness, in suffering or in sorrow, and should we ourselves be called upon to pass through any of these experiences, may there also come with them the grace of resignation and of trust.


Rev. Robert Milliken, B.D.,
Regina, Sask., Canada