Friday, March 03, 2006

God's Minute 3/3

He will be our guide even unto death.--Psalm 48:14

ALMIGHTY and most merciful Father, we begin the day conscious of our helplessness, and Thy supreme and sovereign power. As Thou didst give us life, so we implore Thee to sustain it and to make us ready and fit for our larger service. For Thy care and protection through the night we praise Thee; the day and the night to Thee are both alike. As Thou hast watched about our beds, so we believe Thou knowest and plannest all our ways. Do Thou prepare us for all that Thou are preparing for us. If perchance we should fail in our fulfilment of Thy plan concerning us, do Thou gently correct us and restore us to Thy love and favor. If disappointments or sorrows should attend us, make us strong to bear our brudens, and enrich us with Thy sustaining grace. Make us ever faithful in each particular duty; loyal to evey high claim, responsive to every obligation to Thee and to those about us. Give us to know the way that leadeth unto life eternal, and fill us with the peace that passesth understanding. May the shadows and the sunshine alike develop and ennoble our characters. Bind us as a household with the ties of a sacred love, and make us worthy of Thy continuing care and favor. May we live this day as heirs of eternal life, and rise ever more and more unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Him Who for our sakes became poor, that we through His poverty might be made rich--Thy Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.


James E. Freeman, D.D.,
Minneapolis, Minnesota