Saturday, June 03, 2006

God's Minute

June 3

Let the poor and needy praise Thy name.--Psalm74:21

OUR Father in Heaven, we kneel together to thank Thee for Thy goodness and mercy, which have been so manifest in our lives. Thy good gifts have not failed, morning nor evening. When we have forgotten Thee in the absorption of work and play, when we have neglected Thee through lack of gratitude and love, Thou hast continually looked upon us to bless and keep us.

We beseech Thee, blessed Lord, to keep us from all unholy desires and practices, and to inspire within us a love for Thee, for all our fellow men and all good work. We ask Thee to open doors and opportunity to us, that we may in some way each day honor Thy Name and establish Thy will in the world. Give us the highest privilege of hourly fellowship with Thee, that we may be confident of Thy nearness to us and Thy interest in our affairs.

Forgive the many things that marred our lived and stained our souls. We are ashamed of them, and turn from them in sincere repentance, blessing Thee that there is forgiveness and cleansing in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour.

In His Name we ask all these good and precious gifts.


W. Cortland Robinson, D.D.,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

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