Thursday, June 08, 2006

God's Minute

June 8

Then will I hear from Heaven, and forgive their sins.--2 Chronicles 7:14

ALMIGHTY GOD, our Heavenly Father, we thank Thee for the way of approach to Thyself through the rent veil of the flesh of Jesus Christ, our Lord; for the efficacy of His most precious blood, which cleanseth from all sin; for the promise of help through the Holy Spirit, when we know not what we should pray for; for the assurance that Thou hearest us, and dost delight to answer our prayers whenn they are in accord with Thy Holy Will. We bless Thee for Thine unspeakable Gift, for the matchless expression of Thy love in the sacrifice of Christ, and for the grace so freely bestowed upon the sinful sons of men. Accept the homage of our hearts, and the surrender of our wills, the consecration of our powers, and help us in all circumstances to be true to Thee. Deliver us in the time of temptation. Keep our feet so that our steps may not slide, and help us not to sin against Thee. Enable us to realize that sin is our enemy, that it hides Thee from us, and will, if indulged in, ruin us in time and eternity. Fill us with the spirit of Jesus, that all our speech and conduct may reveal His life in us, and that we may constantly glorify Thee, our adorable God. Graciously accept us and our petitions in the name of Jesus our Lord.


Rev. James H. Boyd,
London, Canada

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