Saturday, June 10, 2006

God's Minute

June 10

Let them praise Thy great and terrible Name.--Psalm 99:3

OUR dear Lord and Master, Thou hast set each family apart, and Thou dealest with them each according to duties well done, and faith well founded. We come, humbly imploring Thy forgiveness for the errors and mistakes of the past, and we beseech Thy guidance for the days to follow. Well and truly do we need Thee every hour, and therefore we entreat Thy guidance, without which we would be led astray, or fall into danger. Guard us from the terror by night, and the arrow that flieth at noon-day.

We have our trials, our necessities, and our distresses. All these we put into Thy hands, asking that Thou wouldst deal with us as little children. We have no fear of Thee, Almighty Father, for we have the assurance of Thy love.

Watch over all our business matters; help us to be honest and square in attending to them, and do Thou so guide us that we shall always do what is right in Thy sight. Lead us safely along the journey of life, and at last give to us all the Eternal Life, which we long for more than for the hidden treasures of earth.

Save all whom we love from passion, pride, and discontent, and finally bring us into Thy presence, through Jesus Christ our Lord.


William P. Jacobs, D.D.,
Clinton, South Carolina

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