Friday, June 23, 2006

God's Minute

For Saturday,

June Twenty-fourth

My God, unto Thee will I pray.--Psalm 5:2

HOLY Father, we thank Thee for the privilege of prayer. It is of Thine amazing goodness that we are permitted to pray, and of Thine infinite wisdom that our prayers are answered. Our gratitude goes out to God for life and health, and all the blessings which come to us. Above all other blessings, we are grateful to Thee for the Saviour. In thinking of the blessings so graciously bestowed upon us, our hearts adopt the words of Scripture--"Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable Gift." We lay ourselves at Thy feet, most Holy One; we adore Thy Great and Holy Name. Thou alone art God, and beside Thee there is none else. Do Thou bless our home, and guide us , to make it such a home as Thou wouldst have it. Sanctify our relations to one another, to become all that God has planned for our lives. Bless, we pray Thee, all other families, our neighbors and friends, together with the stranger afar off; though an enemy, hear us for them, most gracious Father, and give to them every good thing we would ask for ourselves. Bless our country. Give the spirit of wisdom and sound judgment to all civil officers and those in authority. So overrule, that peace shall be maintained among all nations. Let Thy Kingdom come. Speed the glad day when every knee shall bow and every tongue confess Him Lord to the glory of God the Father.


Rev. F. C. McConnell,
Atlanta, Georgia